Star Orthodontics Review

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Jun 3, 2021 | Posted by L.V.

My daughter Leila is only 9 so she got braces earlier than most. She was pretty nervous when she came in for her consultation but Dr Dickens and his staff instantly made her (and me) comfortable. Monty was friendly and caring. She explained everything throughly and answered all of our questions. They actually took the time to get to know both me and my daughter.

We even saw Dr Dickens at Mara flag football (I happened to be wearing the shirt they gave us when she got her braces put on lol). Our sons were on different teams but he took the time to come over on a couple of occasions to chat with us.

When I brought Leila in for her first adjustment a couple of weeks ago, I was happy to see that Lisa would be taking care of her again. It made her comfortable to see a familiar face (behind the mask) since she was nervous about the soreness she was going to feel after her adjustment. Dr Dickens came over and we talked about football (his sons team won the championship). It was an overall great visit.

I am very happy with the care my daughter receives from the Star Orthodontics team and highly recommend them.